Saturday, December 4, 2010

Drawing a fashion illustration

Drawing a fashion illustration
Sketch the outlines lightly using a pencil. This step is important, as you need to try to draw your figure in a accurate and lively way.Draw the details of the drawing such as clothes. Draw some vertical and horizontal lines to plan your drawing. Planning is also important for the proportion of the drawing. Use ovals, cylinders or blocks to build the body. Check the small sketch to see how I start doing this illustration.

Dibujando una ilustración de modas
Tienes que hacer el boceto con un lapiz suave. Este paso es importante, si es que quieres dibujar una figure bien hecha y real. Aumenta la vestimenta. Planifica tu dibujo haciendo bocetos previo sobre proporciones. Usa ovalos, cilindros o bloques para contruir el dibujo. Mira el dibujo pequeno en el boceto par aver como contruí este boceto.

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