Friday, March 20, 2009

Dibujando a una mujer

Drawing a girl
I did this sketch having a picture as reference. I can't uploading the picture because of copyright issues. However, I took the part of the picture that I like the most. The hands and the position of the body are very interesting and make the girl looks sensual and smoothy. Then I added my own elements and ornaments. Also, the light and dark values were done having the picture as a guide.

Dibujando a una mujer.
Hice este boceto con referencia de una foto. No puedo subir la foto por problemas de derecho de autor. Sin embargo, tomé de ella, de la foto, las partes mas interesantes. La cara, las manos, y la posición del cuerpo son elementos interesantes en este dibujo que hacen que la chica luzca sensual. Luego aumenté mis propios adornos. También los valores de luz fueron tomados teniendo como guía la foto.


J.BOSCO said...

great works,excellent,


Carlos Alburqueque 'Calbur' said...

Thanks for your nice feed back about my works. I saw yours Bosco, They're really great.